
          	It's been a pleasure reading The Number Three!
          	I have seriously never seen a book starring Artemis (Aria) as the main character before or how the Greek gods are portrayed... 
          	I love it!! 
          	Thanks for writing and sharing this book with the community (wattpadders) 
          	Hope you have a beautifullll dayyyy!!!


Thank you for checking out LIRO! I hope you enjoyed it :)


Hi! Liro was simply beautiful. As macabre as it was, your writing was amazing.  I truly enjoyed reading Liro, especially  the uniqueness of the story itself. The ambiguous ending was a breath of fresh air though it was undoubtedly not the happy ever after many would expect, it was much more meaningful and dare I say believable this way. Thankyou for writing this masterpiece :)) 


Thank you for reading and voting on Dark Queen! Really appreciate the votes!!!


Truly breathtaking! I just couldn’t put your book down (guilty of binge reading) Cybelline personally has commanded a place in my heart. Thank you for creating such a refreshing heroine, her personality is just so inspiring, shes a character I certainly look up to☺️ I just could not stop laughing 
            Can’t wait to see where this adventure leads! (*ahem* just putting it out there, more moments between two green eyed individuals wouldn’t hurt)


Hey Maggy! Thank you so much for taking the time to read, vote, and comment on OPELUX! I hope you enjoyed the read!


@kmrgillins  Oh my goodness!! 
            Helllo!! I most certainly enjoyed reading OPELUX, I truly had such a great time reading it that I sadly could stop reading to thank you properly 
            Anyways, the book is simply magical sand I love how you made the characters so relatable with all their flaws and strengths☺️ 
            Can't wait for the next bookie!! Hope you have a wonderrful dayyy


Hey there!
          Thanks for the votes!i hope you're doing well and enjoying vallinor. What do you think so far with all she has learned?i will be adding a few chapters to show Isabella and Quinn and to get to know a few more characters but like I said it's a work in progress. 
          Have a good day and thanks again!!


Hi, there! ^^
          I just want to thank you for your votes on Whispers of Nowhere. It's very much appreciated. 
          I hope you enjoy the rest, and have a great day!


@SmileURperfect Hey, no apology necessary. ^^ Thank you so much for the compliments.  And same to you!


@RebelDynasty Hii!
            I'm so sorry for the late reply, I've always wanted to come congratulate you on such an enigmatic book. I truly enjoyed reading Whispers of Nowhere, I just couldn't stop reading it^^ 
            All look forward to reading more of your books!
            Have a grrrreat dayy!


P.S. And thanks for adding it to your library, and the follow as well. ^^