Hey I saw your self harm stories and was wondering if you could include mine?
My names Josie
I'm 11 years old
I have been self harming since I was around 7/8 and its progressively getting worse. I used to just scratch untill I bled with pins and such but now took apart my pencil sharpener. It draws blood and ever cut I make I was the blood trickle out and down my arm. My brothers fiancée has depression but she's getting better but I feel alone. No drugs.
I am dying. My friends probably hate me and no one understands all teachers know all my family knows. Try and write my story please I need to find out if I'm alone
PLZ DONT SHRUG THIS OFF i and alot of my friends and people i know have alll experienced deep depressions and have cut (plenty of times) so plz if you want to try and help people stop tell them about my twitter account @bubdontcut plz tell as many people as you can about this i have lost 3 of my friends to suicide this year and will probably still lose more im 14 male and want to help/make people realize that they are their own perfectly unique person and no matter what other people tell them they are beautifull and worth it I CARE AND I WANT TO HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE TELL PEOPLE ABOUT @bubdontcut TO HELP ME HELP