
2020 already sucked, but then Chadwick Boseman had to die. I'm so sad right now. 


I am beyond excited. I FINALLY figured out what is going to happen for the prequel to Not My King. Hopefully I will have the first few chapters up within a week or two. 
          And I will be updating Syndre as well. The Fight for Creed may go on hold, I haven't decided yet. I'm stuck on a transition chapter - it may just end up being a time jump because I have like four chapters sitting while writer's block slowly kills me.
          Anywho, thanks for the support!


To anyone waiting for the next chapter of The Fight for Creed, let me apologize for the long wait. Work has been kicking my butt the last few days and I've been too tired to get the chapters typed up. However, I've been slowly working on it and I should have it up -- by the latest -- this weekend. I appreciate your patience.