I've been thinking lately, about a lot of things and before I forget it all I think I should post it somewhere. So here goes.
Always take the time to let people know you appreciate them and you care for them. Don't lead people along for the ride that's just cruel.
I think there comes a time in your life where you have got to stop constantly thinking of yourself, other people matter too. I find thinking of others takes the stress away from me.
Cut the crap out of your life, don't put up with stupid things. Don't expect people to be what they aren't. Don't make people your God because they will always fail you.
At one point, you have to decide to move on, or stay. I feel it's time for me to move on.
Don't go where you aren't wanted, you're only going to hurt yourself.
Don't assume you know why somebody feels the way they do, you don't know what could've happened to them.
Don't make excuses, sometimes all people want is an apology.
Over all, avoid giving people expectations they aren't going to reach. That's not fair to anyone.
Learn to make peace, and move one.
That's all I have to say.