
25 more votes and I achieve my goal of 100 votes! please help me achieve this goal! its my life goal. after this (and after i've written on a pole 'dance with me' and gone sky diving and finished writing 'wait for me' and eaten a cookie) then i can (figuratively) die!


Ah it's been over a year since we've been apart *wipes tear from eye*.  It is true that we are all potatoes at heart and that all the happiness you need is with you when you find your inner potato. 
          You're absolutely fantastic! I truly hope that you will stay fabulous forever! Be who you want to be and don't let anyone EVER drag you down! Because you are AMAZING!! 


Hey ma smishmabob!
          I LIKE CHEESE TOO! 
          *shhhh* don't tell anyone but my friends the only pantatocorn on earth!!
          You only live once so live it UP!!! WOOOOOOOHHHHHHH


@Trust_me8 WHO DOESNT LIKE CHEESE?!?! (besides people who cant eat cheese) (i feel sorry for people who cant eat cheese) and... WE CAN BE AWESOME TOGETHER!!! cos we're all potatoes at heart :)


25 more votes and I achieve my goal of 100 votes! please help me achieve this goal! its my life goal. after this (and after i've written on a pole 'dance with me' and gone sky diving and finished writing 'wait for me' and eaten a cookie) then i can (figuratively) die!


Hey guys! I hope you like the next chapter of my book! Sorry for taking so long to upload in between chapters (i think it was 3 weeks?) I was aiming for 8000 words but unfortunately couldn't get there. I got more than half way though! Hope you like it! (I spent the last hour typing that and now my fingers are as numb as squids[are squids numb? someone needs to tell me])