
Greetings, in December of this year I will be posting my last story. I'm not sure if I will come back sometime after to write more stories, but as of now, I will leave after finishing this final story. It is a new one so "Just For Her" will not be completed, although that upsets me, it is how I chose to go about it. Hopefully, you all will enjoy it as the snow showers before us. Pray for our miracle this Christmas.


Greetings, in December of this year I will be posting my last story. I'm not sure if I will come back sometime after to write more stories, but as of now, I will leave after finishing this final story. It is a new one so "Just For Her" will not be completed, although that upsets me, it is how I chose to go about it. Hopefully, you all will enjoy it as the snow showers before us. Pray for our miracle this Christmas.


Born from one of two. Though of love or not. Celebrate this day of May, and find it difficult to further talk. Forward march, forward foot. 
          Celebrate this day, I speak to one of none. Empty as it is full. 
          Celebrate this day I say.


Greetings, I have decided to begin a new notion for myself. 
          A week worth of short stories! 
          (I could not come up with an interesting name for it)
          I will be posting one short story every day for seven days straight. I would only do this about once every other month for that sure would take a toll on my person.
          This is to ensure that you folks are to have some form of entertainment whilst I carry on working on Just For Her, and Angela. 
          May you have a grand day whenever you read this, and thus I, SmltbXk, shall be going to sleep.


Greetings. I return from the Void to announce that--
          I got tired of that.
          I wish to apologize for being missing for a while. Juggling with life and these stories I've forged can take quite the toll on oneself.
          Tho I am still alive and make many attempts to continue these worlds I so have forged for you all to enjoy.
          I may be missing everso longer, but I will supply thou with a short story that will come forth soon!
          I cannot speak many words of it, but I can say that this would contain a portion of Zena and Thurmond's teenage years. Though they are not the main eyes that you will venture through.
          I implore that you make room to await for its debut and have a wonderful days. And many more ahead of you!
          Soy ma,