❖ “I talked to Yaz and Finika before leaving,” Taiki signs, proving in as many words that there’s far more to the story than I’ve been aware of. ❖
Hello friends! I come bearing chapters. This week in Kels, Ande and Taiki finally get a chance to talk again. The result? Unexpected.
❖ No Rocks Can Dance chapter this week—I’ve hit an edit hurdle in the next chapter that might take a couple days to work through. Updates will resume next Friday.
❖ Looking over my own schedule and the prompts for this year's Open Novella Contest (ONC), it looks like I won't be joining this time around. Not the official contest, at least. There's a chance I'll steal a couple prompts and write a novella offline to be posted on Patreon, but I'm trying not to commit to anything. Best of luck to those participating!
❖ Fun fact of the day: The yellow-bellied sea snake is adapted to complete its entire life cycle out at sea.