I really hate people now and here's the reason: So Lily, my sister, and me were on a walk no prob. After a while we're walking and my dog crosses the road like normal and people are really sweet to slow down and take their time and they never complained. Well she crossed the road and the first car slows down ( yes we were calling for Lily for her to come in side) well after she's crossing the road to come home and then next thing we know is that we see a car, hear a pop sound, and blood. I'm screaming and crying I run to her on the road and that was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen and let's just say I never want to see anything like that again. April 9th 2023 is the day she died

@2ShadesofBlue no, there was no gate. She was only 6 years old, and we were still training her to stay on command and we're also thinking she was Deftones and couldn't really hear her when we called for her.

No one should ever have to experience that. Was there a gate that she could have stayed behind or place you could have contained her from crossing the road?