
If anyone can please draw me a look I should do and send it to my discord lukesghetti.spaghetti#5554 or instagram threeblindmice._ pleaseeeeeeeee


@SmolGayTurtlez it changed, insta is warm.ashes dm me & follow me cause ya boi wants to get 2k & im at 1k only


Hello Um are you ok?, I just wanted to know:)


@despair12345 hey its luke, i somehow lost my acc but i had made this one a while ago before i left, if you have any questions dm me here :)


Hey! So I know my profile isn’t as big as it was a few years ago but I’d still like to say this!
          Because of the Hamilton Movie coming out there is no doubt more people will join the fandom: DO NOT START SHIP WARS
          if someone ships lams, they ship lams, if someone ships Jamilton they ship Jamilton it’s none of your concern what they ship and don’t ship! Also please please PLEASE respect others head cannons. In some books a character may be different than what you imagine, that’s okay! 
          Also please keep I mind: Ship the characters, not the actors. It may make them uncomfortable especially if they’re in a relationship or MARRIED .
          Let’s just welcome everyone and make sure they enjoy their stay here :)