Hello everyone! This is my first time posting a public message here on Wattpad but I have some news to share. For anyone of you who follow Myra_Luna, you know that she has stopped writting Homestuck related content due to some personal issues. She happens to be a very close friend of mine and we both, being Karezi fans, were disappointed when she had no choice but to delete her Homestuck fanfictions, including "Lost, but not Forgotten (A Karezi Fanfiction)" which happens to be a Karezi fanfic. While she may have deleted it, the story remains in my library still and she has asked ME personally to rewrite it and continue it for her. I've always been the reader, not the writer on Wattpad and I'm not sure if I could live up to the challenge of copying and finishing this story for her, for writing was never one of my strong suits. However, if I can find the time and energy to, I will try my best to recreate a fanfic I love so much and I hope anyone who does read it will understand that I am NOT stealing and that I have had permission from the original creator to do this of I can. Myra_Luna I will never forget your creativity when it came to Homestuck. I hope I can please you with what may come from me. Thank you.

@SmolPocketChange That sounds awesome! I would totally read your fanfiction! And anything with Karezi in it, really. I used to think that I could never write on Wattpad, then I tried and I must say I'm very proud of myself. It's really just a matter of finding out your style and your prefered genre. Mine is humor ; ) and when I tried writing a more serious story it sounded very lame and I managed to kill off everyone shortly. I guess I've got Hussie Syndrome :P I'll be waiting to read your fanfiction!