Was 808hawaii_girl

Hey, guys! I'm back. I made a new account because I couldn't for my life of me, log into my old account XD However I'm not sad about that tho. Making this new account is like an entirely new slate where I can start fresh so hopefully some of you guys from back then will be willing to come back.

Anyways~! I love you guys very much and I'm so happy to be back! :D
  • Oahu Hawii
  • JoinedFebruary 1, 2019

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Smol_Roses Smol_Roses Jan 13, 2021 09:42PM
Hi guys! My wattpad account has been going haywire since last year. I only just got access to it just yesterday. If there are people here who still wanna talk to me PM me and I'll send you another on...
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