
Oi My birthday is tomorrow


Anxiety really sucks. No matter what you do it just comes back later. And during the attack’s its a fight or flight moment where you don’t know what to do and are paniking. And social anxiety sucks because you are put into those places on a daily basis and that sucks.
          Therefore I want to stay home 24/7


when someone goes back in time to erase an event , wouldn't that mean they never went back in time. like they never used the time machine, so therefor they never changed anything, and then the event would happen. so that's why we cant time travel. or they are constantly creating alternate universe, that they end up going back to. but then there is the problem of them never had gone back, so maybe the person from the event timeline gets erased from existence. I don't know but this has been on my mind for a while.


I had a theory when i was little on how there was an amount of time between our nerves and the info getting to our brains and our brains processing the info, so that we were living a small moment after things actually happened. ive had this theory since i learned about the brain and nerves .