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#SadFaceEmoji Hey all... I know I promised a new chapter over a month ago, and I've been meaning to update y'all on the status of it for a while. If you've been following me for a while, you're used to this kinda crap from me. For all my new peeps... FYI: I suck at posting on any kind of schedule. Truth is, I've been stuck on a scene in the next chapter FOREVER. I can't seem to get it written the way I want it, and since I'm a perfectionist to the effing core, I've scrapped and rewritten it dozens of times only to not like it. *Note- it's a scene with Sansa, and I'm having the hardest time not writing her as a snobby bitch. I wanted to evolve her character, but it's proving a lot harder to do than I thought because I never really liked her to begin with, so my bias against her as a character has been showing. I've been thinking of just going with Sansa being show Sansa and having alterior motives to supporting Jon and Dany's marriage and so on... I feel like that'll be easier to write, but I dont want to cop out with the evil Sansa route because that's such a D&D move.... See my dilemma? I'm sorry for the delay. I just want to make sure this is done right to set it up for later chapters, regardless of which path I set Sansa on. Despite my hate for her, she IS a complex character, and she deserves a well written arc just as much as other characters. Thank you all for your patience with me as I figure it out!! <3 Smolengineer

@Drinor7 Thanks, hun. It's really been bothering me that I now have the time to actually make progress, but haven't been able to because of Sansa. I know at some point things will finally just fall into place (because that's how my muse seems to work), but it's frustrating that it's not happening at the moment. And unfortunately, this scene with Sansa is kind of important for setting up her relationship with Daenerys moving forward, so if I just exclude it for the sake of getting the chapter posted I'll either have to write it into a later chapter or it will change the dynamic between the women completely. Regardless, thank you for understanding. Hopefully my muse will get her shot together soon so I can finish this chapter and move on to the next one.