
this message may be offensive
 #SadFaceEmoji Hey all... I know I promised a new chapter over a month ago, and I've been meaning to update y'all on the status of it for a while. If you've been following me for a while, you're used to this kinda crap from me. For all my new peeps... FYI: I suck at posting on any kind of schedule. 
          	Truth is, I've been stuck on a scene in the next chapter FOREVER. I can't seem to get it written the way I want it, and since I'm a perfectionist to the effing core, I've scrapped and rewritten it dozens of times only to not like it. 
          	*Note- it's a scene with Sansa, and I'm having the hardest time not writing her as a snobby bitch. I wanted to evolve her character, but it's proving a lot harder to do than I thought because I never really liked her to begin with, so my bias against her as a character has been showing. I've been thinking of just going with Sansa being show Sansa and having alterior motives to supporting Jon and Dany's marriage and so on... I feel like that'll be easier to write, but I dont want to cop out with the evil Sansa route because that's such a D&D move....
          	See my dilemma? I'm sorry for the delay. I just want to make sure this is done right to set it up for later chapters, regardless of which path I set Sansa on. Despite my hate for her, she IS a complex character, and she deserves a well written arc just as much as other characters. 
          	Thank you all for your patience with me as I figure it out!!
          	<3 Smolengineer


@Drinor7 Thanks, hun. It's really been bothering me that I now have the time to actually make progress, but haven't been able to because of Sansa. I know at some point things will finally just fall into place (because that's how my muse seems to work), but it's frustrating that it's not happening at the moment. And unfortunately, this scene with Sansa is kind of important for setting up her relationship with Daenerys moving forward, so if I just exclude it for the sake of getting the chapter posted I'll either have to write it into a later chapter or it will change the dynamic between the women completely. 
          	  Regardless, thank you for understanding. Hopefully my muse will get her shot together soon so I can finish this chapter and move on to the next one. 


Don’t worry 
          	  Awesome Story and Good Luck


this message may be offensive
 #SadFaceEmoji Hey all... I know I promised a new chapter over a month ago, and I've been meaning to update y'all on the status of it for a while. If you've been following me for a while, you're used to this kinda crap from me. For all my new peeps... FYI: I suck at posting on any kind of schedule. 
          Truth is, I've been stuck on a scene in the next chapter FOREVER. I can't seem to get it written the way I want it, and since I'm a perfectionist to the effing core, I've scrapped and rewritten it dozens of times only to not like it. 
          *Note- it's a scene with Sansa, and I'm having the hardest time not writing her as a snobby bitch. I wanted to evolve her character, but it's proving a lot harder to do than I thought because I never really liked her to begin with, so my bias against her as a character has been showing. I've been thinking of just going with Sansa being show Sansa and having alterior motives to supporting Jon and Dany's marriage and so on... I feel like that'll be easier to write, but I dont want to cop out with the evil Sansa route because that's such a D&D move....
          See my dilemma? I'm sorry for the delay. I just want to make sure this is done right to set it up for later chapters, regardless of which path I set Sansa on. Despite my hate for her, she IS a complex character, and she deserves a well written arc just as much as other characters. 
          Thank you all for your patience with me as I figure it out!!
          <3 Smolengineer


@Drinor7 Thanks, hun. It's really been bothering me that I now have the time to actually make progress, but haven't been able to because of Sansa. I know at some point things will finally just fall into place (because that's how my muse seems to work), but it's frustrating that it's not happening at the moment. And unfortunately, this scene with Sansa is kind of important for setting up her relationship with Daenerys moving forward, so if I just exclude it for the sake of getting the chapter posted I'll either have to write it into a later chapter or it will change the dynamic between the women completely. 
            Regardless, thank you for understanding. Hopefully my muse will get her shot together soon so I can finish this chapter and move on to the next one. 


Don’t worry 
            Awesome Story and Good Luck


Uhhhh... So I've been following this for a while, but it seems like enough evidence has been collected to make it seem true:
          It seems like BioWare (a videogame company) has remastered the original Mass Effect trilogy and will be announcing a release date next month. 
          I'm BARELY containing my excitement because I'm a HUGE Mass Effect nerd... Like bigger than GoT. This is a BIG deal for me. I've got over 1k hours logged in the original trilogy (not to mention 400+ in Andromeda!) So... If it's true, I'm going to be scrambling to get as much of LMWR done BEFORE the release date of the games, because if I don't, y'all won't see anything new for probably a couple years as I geek out again in the games. If they DO release the games, I'll have to figure out a new schedule to allow me to play and write, but that's probably not gonna happen for a few weeks at minimum. 
          Just thought I'd warn everyone in advance... Sorry 
          ❤ Smolengineer


          I've FINALLY figured out a schedule at home that allows me some time to write AND allows me to take care of my family. 
          My goal is to have the next chapter of LMWR done by Friday, over to my betas for review over the weekend and then posted by next Monday. (Mind you that's the goal, but it's not set in stone). I have a backup goal of the following Monday, but fingers crossed I can stick to my timeline!
          Another good news bit, I've got a good chunk of chapter 10 already written too, so if I stick to my writing schedule, I'll be able to get that out in another 2-3 weeks. 
          <3 Smolengineer


So, I see a lot of other writers posting lots of updates bc they're stuck at home during this pandemic and have found themselves with lots of extra time... I wish that were the case for me :-(
          I've had to step up as a 3rd grade and pre-k teacher in addition to my role as mom and housekeeper, and needless to say, I'm struggling, y'all. There's a REASON I didn't go into teaching! 
          That being said, I've made ZERO progress on the next chapter of LMWR. Hopefully I'll be able to manage time a little more efficiently soon, but as of right now, I just don't have any time to be writing for fun. My kids educations and well-being come first.
          Hopefully I'll be able to find a few minutes here and there soon where I'll be able to write a couple of paragraphs, but I don't want to force or rush it because then the quality of it will tank, and I want to give you guys my best. Mediocrity is only a word I know how to spell and define- it's not something I allow in my personal life OR my writing. 
          Thank you everyone for your patience and support as I chug along. I literally have the best readers! 
          <3 Smolengineer


I'm having a hard time deciding on the name for my next chapter of LMWR. I'm stuck between Hollow (a Breaking Benjamin song) and Words As Weapons (a Seether song). They both work really well for the overall feeling of the chapter.... Ughhhh.
          I know I shouldn't worry quite so much over it yet, because it's not *quite* done, but my brain has decided to focus on that detail atm and it's distracting. 
          Anyone wanna give both songs a listen and give me thoughts on how you interpret the songs themselves? Not neccesarily in regards to Jonerys, but what do you feel the message of the song is? That may help me decide!
          Thx loves!!
          <3 Smolengineer


@ryannariddle I usually go with my gut.... and have a bad habit of second-guessing myself regardless :-P Another reason it sometimes takes so long between chapters!


@Smolengineer personaly I'm of the firm belief that either title will work but I've learned that sometimes it's best to go with your gut before second guessing but that's just me


@ryannariddle Hollow was my first choice when I planned out the chapter last year, but last week, Words as Weapons came up in my music playlist as I was going through my notes on the chapter and it seemed to work really well too. Since then I've been going back and forth.... Idk lol. I should probably stick with Hollow since it was my first pick to begin with, huh? 


Uhhh so I wrote a thing. A small smutty one shot in my "Jonerys One Shot" collection book titled Your Queen Needs You NOW. 
          I needed a short break from the angst of LMWR, and that's what came out of it lol
          <3 Smolengineer


Chapter 8 of Long May We Reign, "Feed the Wolf", has been updated to include photos! 
          <3 Smolengineer


@mocochez I hope you enjoy the chapter! 


Yay ! Thank you ... going to read it tonight ❤️


          I have one minor change to the chapter that I'm waiting to hear back from my betas on and then I'll be posting it! I've made a few changes to the structure of the chapters, so if you received notifications that I've posted something new, that's why. I'm sorry I got your hopes up on a new chapter!!! I PROMISE it will be posted by this evening though (It's currently 11:30 am my time).
          If for some reason my betas can't look at the change before then, I'll post it anyway, because I can't wait much longer (I'm THAT excited to share) and I think overall the change is fine... My perfectionist self just wants the reassurance from my betas that it's alright lol. 
          Thank you so much, my dear faithful readers, for your patience and understanding. I want this to be perfect for you, especially because so many important things happen in this chapter! I'm also foregoing adding photos to the chapter until after it's initially posted so that you can get to reading it sooner rather than later. The photos within the chapter are for fun, but not neccesary, so they can be added at a later date. 
          I'll put up another announcement once the chapter is posted! 
          I love you all! Tty soon!