
Not me having to read Wattpad bcs ao3 is down for like ... A other 5 ish hours :( 
          	Save me ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


I got fish (well one but there's three cause my sister and brother wanted one) so yeah!! It's cool but weird, they're also really pretty too.. 
          Tho the tank is too small for all three (personally think it's too small for even one) but it was a lucky find since dad found a random box and it happened to be in the box so, that's cool :) 
          Anyway, hopefully when we have enough money we'll get a bigger one. Anyway I still haven't decided on a name for mine yet.... HELP ME CHOOSE ONE PLEASE 


@SmtIsMyMiddleNameUwU orange one: Darwin 
            White ones: tweedle dee and tweedle dum 


            They're all gold fish and two are mostly white and the other is full orange with spots on them


@SmtIsMyMiddleNameUwU what kind of fish/what colors?


After years of procrastination, I have finally watched the maze runner movies. And why have I never watched them sooner omggg.. they're so good. I am now reading fanfics of it lmao. Yes, I have finally achieved a new fandom unlock. 
          No reason why I only just watched them. But I am not disappointed!!
          I did like the last one but personally I liked the first two the most.. 
          anyway give me some good recs for newtmas (yes. I am reading that pair bcs they have such good tension tbh) 


To any other trans people who have come out to their parents how did you do it? Like, it shouldn't be this hard honestly. I am ready to tell them I think I'm just putting it off because I'm not sure of their reactions.
          I mean, I'm pretty sure they're okay with it I just don't want to deal with the questions. 
          Also I think I want to wait maybe a little more just to make sure I really am trans, I am like 89.931% sure I'm trans, but also I keep questioning it.
          Okay, so... I feel giddy and happy when someone calls me 'dude' and stuff and refers to me as a guy, but at the same time I still think 'is this right? Am I actually trans?' I'm more sure than not but it makes me annoyed cause I just can't seem to be positive abt it so....
          Any way to get over it?? I just need some help -_- 


@ SmtIsMyMiddleNameUwU  I'm 19 and still not out, but please keep us updated (so we know that you are safe) <3 


Long rant ahead, nothing bad just getting this off my chest cause I can't talk to my friend abt it, and some other stuff cause I literally cannot shut up even when I'm writing :)
          I'm literally so ready to come out as trans and bi to my parents, but I'm scared too. It feels the same when I was ready to tell them I was a lesbian, just less scared? Idk how that makes sense since I really don't know how they will react. Both of them aren't homophobic, my dad isn't transphobic as far as I'm aware, but I'm not too sure about my mum. I don't think she is but I could never know. 
          But yea, like I'm really nervous just not scared... It's also funny how I will have done this twice when I do finally tell them lmaoo. Technically 3 times since I'm bi as well lol. 
          Anyways, I also need to get a job and it's going to happen pretty soon I think, so doing that before telling my parents is gonna be a bit weird, will have to use my deadname sadly. Can't go into a job telling them a name that I can't have on a name tag or smth cause if I did use my preferred name then my parents would be confused lol
          Also on top of having a preferred name, I'm not too sure if I like Tyler... I don't think that name suits me anymore and I've been feeling like this for a while actually, I just don't know what to be called atm. No name has popped into my head that fits like a glove... Not that I've really been trying to figure out a new name as of late just been a thought back up there in all of the other thoughts that aren't so important...
          I kinda have bad voice dysphoria If that's a thing? Like I guess it is I suppose. I just hate it, obviously it won't sound how I really want it to cause I'm not on T but still, I just wish I could sound the way I want to. That's really the only thing I'm dysphoric about, yea I hate my chest but that's only cause I can't get it flat enough so sometimes it just puts off the illusion I'm cis :(


@SmtIsMyMiddleNameUwU Well im here if you need someone to talk to


@Bella_Rose03 also just realised you're the one who messaged me the other day. Sorry I didn't reply I honestly forgot aha 


Why is my only fear as a trans person is that no one will want to date me... Lmao
          Like, straight girls,, are they ok with dating a trans guy? And gay dudes, are they ok dating a trans guy too? It just really messes with my head and it's really my only fear/concern atm. Help :( 


@SmtIsMyMiddleNameUwU My last relationship was with a trans dude, he was awesome. We only broke up because he went to college.


@SmtIsMyMiddleNameUwU same dude except I'm a few years older and honest I'm not quite sure if I actually want to date so I'm confused on that but I long for a partner 