
So, this is the year where I FINALLY stop being lazy.
          	Here are some of the stories I am working on, and sadly, not even finished.
          	By the time Wedding Troubles is done, I might start working on another story.
          	Here, the ones that I'm working on:
          	-KenjiAyaka one-shot
          	-TsukiAza one-shot
          	-ShinEne one-shot
          	-KanoAya one-shot
          	-HaruTaka story (Next one after Wedding Troubles is finished)
          	-ShinAya story 
          	And these are what I plan to do:
          	-Shintaro x Reader one-shot
          	-Kano x Reader one-shot
          	-Shintaro x Kano one-shot (nothing that mature)
          	-Shintaro x Kuroha one-shot (slightly mature, but veeery slight.)
          	School starts on Monday, but since my dad is back from work overseas (yay! WB dad~!) I get to miss the first three days.
          	However, I won't be able to work with the drafts because my dad is finally back after a year. we get a three-day party//joke. It's just a trip to another city for three days.
          	Once I come back, though, I'll start working on the draft on Saturday. WT might not be updated this month, though. Again, sorry. *cries* it's on hiatus. ;w;


So, this is the year where I FINALLY stop being lazy.
          Here are some of the stories I am working on, and sadly, not even finished.
          By the time Wedding Troubles is done, I might start working on another story.
          Here, the ones that I'm working on:
          -KenjiAyaka one-shot
          -TsukiAza one-shot
          -ShinEne one-shot
          -KanoAya one-shot
          -HaruTaka story (Next one after Wedding Troubles is finished)
          -ShinAya story 
          And these are what I plan to do:
          -Shintaro x Reader one-shot
          -Kano x Reader one-shot
          -Shintaro x Kano one-shot (nothing that mature)
          -Shintaro x Kuroha one-shot (slightly mature, but veeery slight.)
          School starts on Monday, but since my dad is back from work overseas (yay! WB dad~!) I get to miss the first three days.
          However, I won't be able to work with the drafts because my dad is finally back after a year. we get a three-day party//joke. It's just a trip to another city for three days.
          Once I come back, though, I'll start working on the draft on Saturday. WT might not be updated this month, though. Again, sorry. *cries* it's on hiatus. ;w;


So..... This is going to be a busy summer.
          About the HaruTaka one-shots, I will post those. Unless I decide to make a HaruTaka story xD. But not later, I'll probably post a HaruTaka one-shot/story after I have done these:
          --WORK IN PROGRESS--
          Chapter 2 for ~Hope in the Stars~
          ShinEne One-Shot
          TsukiAza One-Shot
          KanoAya One-Shot
          KeniiAyaka One-Shot
          And the best:
          Kuroha x Reader! Yay~ :D
          As you can see, I have made myself busy as heck ;-;
          But, since I love KagePro so much, I'll do these c: anyway, thank you for reading! 
          (Ene: Did you srsly listen to me blab away lol--- //flies off in the distance)
          Thank you~


So, I haven't been posting new one-shots lately. I'm so sorry QnQ
          I just wanted to say this..... Goodby- 
          Nah, just kidding. Unfortunately, I have to be on a break for a while, and by a while I mean until March. But when I do manage to survive, I'll go back to posting one or two every week. UwU
          Reasons? The common reasons. 
          1) School being a jerk as always
          2) Exams are so near
          3) THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR IS NEAR! Whoopey! (But that means more pressure being put on us for our grades D:)
          4) Due to me studying, my head is instead filled with History, Math, etc. and plus I'm working on my Filipino grades (Sir, why do you have to be so darude) and that means my inspirational mind has become mushy. ,_,
          But I love my HaruTaka so much, that right after graduation day, I'll post a HaruTaka one shot at once UwU and probably a ShinAya one, too. (Possibly with ShinEne, either.) C:
          So, until next time~!