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So ummmmmmmm.... I have a slightly HUDGE problem, so let me tell you my story you'll see why this is bad in the end, so like I saw my Dad's tooth paste and it looked really cool and it just looked like tooth paste of the futer honestly plus his teeth are super white so I was like "You know what, it's night time I need to brush my teeth anyways why not?" so I brushed my teeth with it, and no joke my teeth looked like 6x whiter just from one brushing. Then I went and got a big cup of ice water and sat down next to Dad on the couch and was like "I think I should get a tube of your tooth paste" "Why?" "Well it just looks cool" so I didn't let on that I tried it because Dad doesn't like when we tough his stuff (especially when I try to steal his hat off his head) so then he was like "Well that stuff is prescription and it is made out of real fluoride so I can't wash my mouth and I can't eat or drink for the rest of my night because fluoride is dangerous to ingest" so I was staring at the water in my hand and in my head I was like Ooooooohh shit..... I'm SO screwed. So I made up a excuse got out of there spit out everything tried to throw it back up (the parts that might have went down) and washed my teeth with regular tooth paste. Anyways after all that my stomach REALLY hurts and I don't know what to do and the pain isn't getting any better, plus when my tongue touches my teeth it feels weird. So now I'm screwed.