I am posting here in hopes others will read my conversations & help me find what I am desperately trying to find. I ran across a Clexa story a little while back. I was on chapter 23 when the app suddenly decided to glitch & close itself out. When I reopened the app I couldn’t find the story. It wasn’t in my recently read or currently reading areas. It’s a GREAT story & REALLY want to continue reading til the end, but I am unable to find it again. I have done searches for days with absolutely NO luck!! Please help if you can! The title is “The Boss”. The description is Clarke is the CEO of Griffen Cybernetics company. She is a dominant woman who refuses to show she feels for ANYONE & doesn’t allow anyone to get close. Lexa is an FBI agent going undercover as Clarke’s new personal chauffeur. Lexa is also a dominant personality who has a hard time trying to be submissive to her “boss” in order to get closer in order to get intell on the “target”. IF you know this story I am looking for please send it to me or something so I am continue reading!

@SnapShot73 I know exactly which one you are talking about it is one of my favorites. The person who wrote it is Sangabriella, and she took it off to publish it and put it on Amazon. She explains it more on her conversations page if you want to check it out.