@KazzKun and when you followed me and I saw YOUR amazing pic I just needed to follow ;-;........ Gimme a sec, I can't even right now........... I NEED TO GET INTO CHARACTER....
Ok I think I've got it...
Turn to page 394
OMG that profile picture doe, it's so Unique that i staggered while walking, siriusly did you photoshoped it or did you found it on the internet it's just ruddikulusly funny that i got ratted out by it.
P.S see what i did there?
(REALLLYYY sllooowwww voice) Miss Bayes Grier, unfortunately this isn't a Quidditch class. I advise you to take notes while sitting in this section of the account. I will have to take thirty points from your house.
Lol jk jk your message was hilarious I died of laughter "HOLD ON TO YOUR BROOMS Y'ALL"
I expect you to have proper manners while in this account, @FANCY1211 or I will have to take fifty points off of your house. Lol jk jk
I died of laughter too XD