
Hey there all my beloved followers,
          	I just want to check in and say that I’m alive and doing well. Life… life has just been one hell of a roller coaster ride these past two years, and I can’t even express how I’m sorry for failing you, or how much I’ve been missing you and all my boys. 
          	I know that I don’t owe anyone any explanation and yet I feel like I should tell you a bit. 
          	First, there was my dog’s death almost two years ago. After over 16 years with us, let’s say that it was a very painful loss. Shortly after our dearest Jack Russel died, we took in two baby Cane Corso sisters, a terrible mistake that their seller should have warned us of. The first few months were wonderful until they hit adolescence and started fighting. We’ve been told recently that two females are the worst case scenario. And if you know cane corsos, you know what I mean by violent fights. We have to keep them separated, never meet in the house, or even the garden now. 
          	We’ve been told to get rid of one of them. That’s not gonna happen. Never. They’re the most beautiful girlies we’ve ever seen, absolutely adorable, I don’t even have words to say how much I love them. They’re so attaching, so loving, they cuddle us all the time. I could never decide to see one of them leave, even if that means a lot of work, attention and caution, even if that means having the house cut in two. 


@Snape75 Hello again hoping all is going well in your world. We are patiently waiting to hear from you again . Hope you get back to your writing as we all miss your boys so much . Sending you big hugs .


@Snape75 hey girl. Still here for you. Let me know if you ever want to chat.


I am glad you are still alive and doing as well as you can with everything. Take care of your self


Hi, hoping everything is going well for you. I am re-reading your books again and I will continue to hope that you will eventually publish the rest of at least Aaron’s stories so we get to see his happy ever after as well. You are extremely talented and I enjoy your books so much! Please think of at least posting the unedited version for us longtime fans. 


Thank you for your novels, I really enjoyed them. I loved your characters and lived through their sadness before their happiness. My favorite characters are Shannon and Noah. I love Aaron—I love his kindness, his care, and his passion for his dives. Please, could you continue writing Aaron’s books?
          Sorry if there are any mistakes, I’m using Google Translate.


Hi Nath. Ive only recently discovered your stories, and Ive fallen in love with your characters. Im going through a few mental and physical issues at the moment and your stories have really helped me cope. Im just about to start Aarons first book and I'm really looking forward to it but ive noticed that the next books have not been published yet? I know you are likely really busy, but is there any timescale for the next book/s? If you need help proof reading or editing them, I would gladly help. 


I guess it'll take me getting cancer to trigger Aaron's book getting published. *Crying emoji* like PLSSSS I don't wanna die before reading his book. 
          Pls pls pls pls pls pls just publish the unedited draft. I literally pushed through the series for aaron and now I can't read his story????? 
          Bro I under nath is busy with personal life and all but at least publish the unedited draft so that we can get an idea of his story and maybe they can publish edited version alongside. 
          But please give me his second book.


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