Hello, everyone.
I'm FINALLY back from my unannounced hiatus (not that that is super important), and I just thought I'd let you all know that I will not be posting or commenting as much. As you can tell, I haven't been very active lately. Because of this, I'm planning on cleaning up my account (both this and my backup) and starting anew.
I'm not going to delete EVERYTHING, so there is still going to be some stuff left. If there is anything you think I should keep, please let me know.
Now, I am still going to post things. The updates will just end up being rare (not that they weren't rare already). I will also comment from time to time, but they will most likely only be for roleplays. I have a lot of those the catch up with. :P
Thank you for reading, and if there is anything you need me to clarify, please let me know.