Another thing I love so much would be the plot itself, and Amaya's story. Her backstory, and current life story. It is so well written and planned, with crumbs of references planted in unsuspecting moments of the story leading to great (or devastation) revealations later on.
And one last thing I should mention is your impeccable writing. Everything from your vocabularly, to metaphors, to figure of speech, or simply phrasing, has been thought of and put together so well that it conveys the feelings and thoughts of the characters in ways I never thought was possible. It makes the characters come across as so, so human and relatable. You are an amazing author, one i greatly respect and look up to. If you ever start publishing physical books, I'm definitely going to be reading every single one of them.
Though I have many more great things to say about Marionette, Amaya and you as an author, I think I have said enough here. As this was my first full-read of Marionette, I apologise for the fact that I did not pay as much attention to your author's note, as I was too focused on finishing the story up to it's latest chapter. However, while waiting for more great updates to come in the future, I'll certainly backtrack and read all of them.
Wherever you are now, whatever you're doing, I hope all is well. I hope you're taking of yourself and getting enough rest. Though there are many other readers like me looking forward to the next chapter, I believe your personal well being and life comes before everything else. So, I hope you don't feel too pressured, and I hope other readers here will be patient too. I wish you happiness and stability. If you're going through a rough time, or have encountered some troubles, I whole-heartedly believe that everything will work out for you in the end, the same way I believe everything will be okay for Amaya. I'm here as one of your greatest supporters.
With great love,
A reader