
Hello everyone,
          	Just posting a message to inform you that...
          	I am hoping to have a couple uploads sometime with the next week for you all to peruse. At bare minimum, the next chapter of Marionette is guaranteed before the start of June. 
          	I know it's been an extremely long time since I've been online, but thank you very much for hanging around as long as you all have done. 
          	Until the update, all the best.


YAY! im so happy to hear !!! i hope youre doing well!


@SnappyCockatiel OMGGGG I HOPE EVERYTHING HAS BEEN GOING WELL FOR YOU!!! Take ur time and dont feel pressured pls


Oh my gosh! It’s been so long since I’ve been on wattpad, and I checked up on my all-time favorite fanfiction and author just to see your last update posted in 2023. I was sad to see it, and made plans to reread Marionette from the start. But then I see this?! I’m happy to hear that you’re back!


          Apologies for the long message, but what I wish to say here come from the deepest depths of my heart.
          At this time of writing, I have just finished the latest chapter, Chapter 71 of the Cosmos Arc in Marionette. Though I have commented that I 'discovered' this story only a few days ago, I have actually recalled coming across Marionette around 5-6 years ago, when I was still a pre-teen, but I don't think I read much of it., or was very interested in it at that time. It would be more accurate to say that I've started Marionette a few days ago, and have spent most of my waking days since then reading it. 
          As I mentioned, to say that I love Marionette is a huge understatement. It's safe to say that it has become my sole comfort book at this point of time. Amaya is someone I can deeply relate to emotionally, and I felt like I was seeing myself from a third-person POV while I was reading the story. And for that reason, she feels more than just a fictional OC to me ( i hope that doesn't sound weird).
          One of the few moments I could deeply relate was when it was mentioned multiple times that Amaya, feeling exhausted and drained from the Kyoto trip, just wanted to go home and hug her siblings. Only to find out that they were at Mako's house when she returned. Though Karma turned up, I don't believe that easily takes away the loneliness and sadness she felt upon returning to an empty home when she has been expecting her favourite people. Additionally, her siblings aren't to blame either and I believe Amaya knows that too.
          There are many, many things other things I love about Marionette aside from Amaya's character, but due to the character limit I can only mentioned a few. Firstly would be the relationship dynamics of Amaya and the people around her, especially her complicated relationship with Karma. I think it is extremely well written, portraying both ups and downs of human relatonships. And at times, these ups and downs are not so straightforward.


All the best for your other projects too!!


Another thing I love so much would be the plot itself, and Amaya's story. Her backstory, and current life story. It is so well written and planned, with crumbs of references planted in unsuspecting moments of the story leading to great (or devastation) revealations later on. 
            And one last thing I should mention is your impeccable writing. Everything from your vocabularly, to metaphors, to figure of speech, or simply phrasing, has been thought of and put together so well that it conveys the feelings and thoughts of the characters in ways I never thought was possible. It makes the characters come across as so, so human and relatable. You are an amazing author, one i greatly respect and look up to. If you ever start publishing physical books, I'm definitely going to be reading every single one of them.
            Though I have many more great things to say about Marionette, Amaya and you as an author, I think I have said enough here. As this was my first full-read of Marionette, I apologise for the fact that I did not pay as much attention to your author's note, as I was too focused on finishing the story up to it's latest chapter. However, while waiting for more great updates to come in the future, I'll certainly backtrack and read all of them. 
            Wherever you are now, whatever you're doing, I hope all is well. I hope you're taking of yourself and getting enough rest. Though there are many other readers like me looking forward to the next chapter, I believe your personal well being and life comes before everything else. So, I hope you don't feel too pressured, and I hope other readers here will be patient too. I wish you happiness and stability. If you're going through a rough time, or have encountered some troubles, I whole-heartedly believe that everything will work out for you in the end, the same way I believe everything will be okay for Amaya. I'm here as one of your greatest supporters.
            With great love, 
            A reader


          Hi! I’ve been a long-time reader of your work since 2022, and I just wanted to say how much I love your unique take on Assassination Classroom. Your storytelling is incredibly well-thought-out, and I’m always amazed by the way you develop the characters and expand on the original plot. The way you bring new depth to the story while staying true to its essence is something I really admire.
          Thank you for sharing your creativity with us—I always look forward to reading your updates!!!


Hi again, it's your once-in-a-blue-moon commenter. I just wanted to wish you happy holidays and say that you did a spectacular job as always with your latest chapter. I know it takes a while (read: forever) before I comment, but that doesn't mean I don't read your updates as soon as they're out. I'm just not really in the habit of making my presence known in general. 
          Well, that's part of why I'm messaging you now, but also, if it's not a bother, can you please feed me some Amaya crumbs?? I've had a shitty week, shitty Christmas break honestly, and usually I get my fill of escapism with other fanfics, but right now I just want someone who's suffering more than me (*cough*Amaya*cough*). Doesn't have to be all related to the current events of the story, just crumbs of her life, maybe some Karmaya thrown as a bonus. Pretty pretty please??  It would really help me a lot, but also, it's totally fine if you don't do it. Thanks a lot either way and I hope you have a wonderful time this new year (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧


Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I love your stories especially Marionette. I've been following it for years ❤️ your writing style its so detailed and vivid, worth every update. thank you for writing ❤️ 


Hi!!! I just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading your Obi story. It’s not even just the plot that’s good but the whole writing style in general! I really like Obi, but it’s so hard for me to find a story I enjoy or get interested in, and it doesn’t help with the fact that the anime is so underrated TT your doing great <3
          Thank care!