
I feel as if I've neglected my duities as a reader and amateur writer. 
          	I apologize to all my followers and goldfishes(aka readers), but I've be busy with college and trying to study for these ridiculous exams. I haven't forgotten about you wonder humans and fellow aliens. I can't make any promises to updates on my books this summer...maybe changing somethings for the outline of one or two I have in my archives/drafts, but dont worry my beautiful goldishes I'll be back.  :D
          	Kisses and death hugs
          	Ps. if you're wondering who's that girl as my dp picture, it is I. -exists like the phantom from the opera-


I feel as if I've neglected my duities as a reader and amateur writer. 
          I apologize to all my followers and goldfishes(aka readers), but I've be busy with college and trying to study for these ridiculous exams. I haven't forgotten about you wonder humans and fellow aliens. I can't make any promises to updates on my books this summer...maybe changing somethings for the outline of one or two I have in my archives/drafts, but dont worry my beautiful goldishes I'll be back.  :D
          Kisses and death hugs
          Ps. if you're wondering who's that girl as my dp picture, it is I. -exists like the phantom from the opera-


So, in my attempt to study for my exams. I came up with an interesting plot for a book. Seductive business woman meets sexy corporate CEO...did I mention he's a christain?! I'd like your honest opinion on the idea. MB me or DM either way. 


Wow!! Thanks to all my readers of both Road Guide and He Seduced Me. I'm truly sorry for not being able to update my both books but I assure you that once my college enter exams are over that I WILL update more frequently. I've been reading though on my down time from studying and I'd like to share just a book that I liked; The Heartbreakers. But the ones that I've fallen in love with will be written in Road Guides and hopefully by then they'd be completed. Just keep reading and pray that I pass with all grade 1's. 
          Snappy kisses!!! 


To all my readers of 'Road Guide to' I won't be updating anytime soon because I have college enterance exams coming, and I need to study my butt of for this. When I'm done with exams I'll update my books, and maybe even my new book that I'm writing privately! 
          Snappy out! Peace *muah* 


To all my Road Guide readers I have posted a new chapter. I'm apologize for being probably 3 months behind, but I'll being writing in secret for now and then post my list of stories after I've finished what I'm doing on this 'planet' *chuckle*. Until next time Sayonara!  


To all my Road Guide readers I will resume the book in 3days. I'm so sorry that I haven't been writing I'm a very busy girl this year with my exams and what-nots. I'll keep you posted if I've decided to continue He Seduced Me...BYYYEEE *double peace*