
Hallo this is a cousin of the idiot (she told me to write that) it’s really just the tall one with curly hair lol. Anyway one FaceTime she decided that this was an opportunity to good to miss (I’m talking about the numberjacks) so there we are I hope u had a happy Halloween and if you got my message can u please tell my cousin to text me ‘pumpkins’ cos I like messing with people. Nother clue if u need one she’s that weirdo who took geography. Anyways have a good day and hopefully ur exams will be cancelled just like mine in the rainy country of Scotland. Good day!


Me *likes BTS*
          You: " if you like BTS you are instantly my best friend"
          Me: HEY BEST FRIEND


Aww best friend don’t Cry~ it’s okie


@NotToTae I have a best friend *emotional tears*