Guys I have a new fine shyt and is very fine. So basically he's like this really popular ish guy but like I don't think he's ever had a girlfriend? At least not that I know of. He's in like all of my classes and he is one of those people who is so outgoing that you kinda just know who they are. I started to kinda like him then. But then we got new seating charts in two of my classes AND I WAS NEXT TO HIM IN BOTH!! did I mention that he is like SUPER good at hockey? But anyway I actually had a couple conversations with him but it was like "how do you do this problem?" "You just distribute the 7" So yeah. But then for science WE WERE LAB PARTNERS!!! but of course this is the quarter where we only did like 2 labs. But we did elephants toothpaste together and we're bonding over how weird the other kid in our group is? It's kinda hard to explain. Like a week after that. The weird kid that is usually in our group was gone and it was just me and fine shyt. I accidentally flung my pencil across the desk and I caught it but HIS HAND LANDED ON TOP OF MINE so obviously I didn't want to be weird and I snatched my hand back and said "thank you" but I was LITERALLY DYING on the inside because what!? And then later that same day I could feel him staring at me for like a whole 3 seconds. But then after that he doesn't talk to me anymore for some reason. Like I am really weird but nothing has happened since that day. So yeah I still like him but we got a new seating chart in both classes so I don't sit by him anymore thank you for tolerating my rant <3