
Hey peeps so I decided to take a long ass hiatus because I haven't wrote in a while and its not fair for those who actually come to read my stuff. I need to figure out my life both irl and on the internet. I want to make better things, to organize stuff and to see what stories stay, what will be one shots only and what will wait till another time.  because the way I am right is not a life nor it is a passion. So I will come back once I am better at this and who know I maybe even will just move all of my stuff to Ao3 which I am using more and more. See ya peeps when I come back, hopefully before next year and with an idea of what exactly I want to do with this account.


Hey peeps so I decided to take a long ass hiatus because I haven't wrote in a while and its not fair for those who actually come to read my stuff. I need to figure out my life both irl and on the internet. I want to make better things, to organize stuff and to see what stories stay, what will be one shots only and what will wait till another time.  because the way I am right is not a life nor it is a passion. So I will come back once I am better at this and who know I maybe even will just move all of my stuff to Ao3 which I am using more and more. See ya peeps when I come back, hopefully before next year and with an idea of what exactly I want to do with this account.


Yo peeps its me here to tell you I uploaded a new one shot for Jack, the Mark one will be uploaded tomorrow after I come back from college. Sorry guys its been a bit hectic here at my house and the homework load is harsh. I seriously do want to stick to the schedule but its hard sometimes. Hopefully when I get the laptop i will be able to write more anywhere. So I'll see you peeps tomorrow Buh-Bye.


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Hey peeps so I know I'm still a bit wonky with my schedule, but with my mom in the hospital later week and me starting college. I had no time to write for any of the stories. I will come back next week for sure and I'm so sorry it's been so tough. Hopefully when I get my own laptop it will be easier to write chapters and shit. Thanks for those who stick with me. Love ya peeps and see ya next week Buh-Bye 


Hey peeps so sorry I didn't upload yesterday for Feline curse, my mom wasn't feeling well so went to the clinic. Afterwards I had to help her around the house and do my own chores. So Feline curse will have a late chapter later today. No worries I wasn't being lazy this time. Until later peeps, Buh-Bye


Hey peeps so I was thinking it over and "Born from blood and chaos" is going to be put on hiatus until futher notice. I know I know I know I just uploaded one chapter but to be honest I haven't thought out the rest of the chapters completely. I need more time to think them out and actually give it more time. So sorry peeps and I hope you peeps understand why. Till tomorrow peeps, Buh-Bye.


hey peeps guess who, I'm back and will start to update the one shots on Monday of next week. Wednesday I will update "The flutist and the trumpet player", Friday i will upload "Feline curse" and on Sunday I will upload "Born from blood and chaos". This will all start next week on Monday Aug 1st. I'm also working on a different story but it still in the outline stages so don't worry. I hope to stick onto this schedule which will help to keep everything on track and organized. 
          Well peeps I'll see you next week on Monday Buh-Bye


Hey guys I'm sorry that I haven't update in a long a** time. I really don't have an excuse other than my muse just ran off and didn't come back for a while. Also I have been a bit stress with school and life at home. Things have been super out of control and I just don't even know where I am or who I am. I will continue everything I have written and will add more stories as well. But I'll become more active when I have many chapters written for a couple of weeks, so that I won't fall behind when I begin to write new chapters or new stories. Don't worry about me guys, I'll be back, give me a month or so, to get back on my feet. So I'll be back in a month or so when I'm all better and up to date. Buh-bye guys stay awesome and amazing :D