So guess who can't afford an MRI but needs one done on her knee? Well if you guess me then it's pretty certain that you are correct. Now let's explain, I have been in on a scale of 1 to 10 for pain for the past two weeks at a 5 to 7 constantly even with pain medication, elevating my leg, alternating ice and heat, and wrapping it with ace bandage wrap which is supposed to help stabilize the knee. I have also went to the doctor twice now and they believe I have torn my meniscus but cannot be sure until an MRI is done so I am left with little to no further option since the x-rays showed no damage on it and the things I have been doing to help my knee have not worked. Now to elaborate why I can't afford this procedure, my mother works at a clinic that under pays her and forces her to get very expensive insurance through them and that insurance doesn't cover any procedure under $10,000 dollars and this is the only insurance we can afford with our low income household. We tried getting help from the government but they have turned us down again and again even though our household makes a grand total before taxes are taken out of $25,000 a year split between 3 people. Now you may be asking well how much does it cost to get an MRI? According to the doctors I would have to pay $2000 out of pocket which is basically a whole month's worth of income in our household so therefore we cannot afford it and so my knee will only continue to get worse as the days go on.