Is castle of blood and beauty being continued this story is how I found your profile and I also love the story so I hope it will be continued
@SnowThief92 how I’m Back again after a while just got a quick question for you do you have all of the castle of blood and beauty and past revived stories chapters saved somewhere like google docs or word document or files or notes on your phone or computer or something else you can use just in case Wattpad deleted those stories for some reason you can reupload those stories with all the chapters intact so you basically don’t have got rewrite those stories from scratch again
@SPARTANOFDEATH2001 the Past revived has the family, but it's through mostly Steve Burnside's perspective a year after the events of COBAB took place
@SnowThief92 so is the guy who’s with lady d and the daughters and which other girls are a part of his harem of wives in castle of blood and beauty story is he the main POV character in the past revived story just curious I hope so