
Hello everyone who is there to support my account still, I just came to inform you that i have been working on quite a few new works and will be posting one soon, I'm not sure if ill be continuing some of my old ones but if the public wants it I'll give you  what you want. But i do think you'll like my new piece because its really coming along and a lot longer than my usual pieces, that's all I can say for now so until next time everyone, Stay Frosty


Hello everyone who is there to support my account still, I just came to inform you that i have been working on quite a few new works and will be posting one soon, I'm not sure if ill be continuing some of my old ones but if the public wants it I'll give you  what you want. But i do think you'll like my new piece because its really coming along and a lot longer than my usual pieces, that's all I can say for now so until next time everyone, Stay Frosty


It completely blows my mind. I didn't know this existed till today. There is a thing i can do to see the statistics of my books and it blows my mind what i find out. I thought that little to no people read my books. 'Me, my shadow, and....ICHIGO!?!!?!' has reached 2.2 thousand Views. 'Life In A Blizzard' not too far behind with 1.9 Thousand views and 'Holly Shizz!!! Im A NEKO!!! Epic!!!' with a whopping 1.3 thousand. It also showed me that to this day there are people still reading my books! It Blows my Mind!!! I love you guys so much and i want to give you all my best!! So today's Sneak Peak is.... Im working on two projects. One will be Known as 'The Junk Drawer' and the other you will have to wait and find out! Thank you guys for sticking with me and i hope to give you all some great new books to read!!
          And Starting today I will see you, Next time. Stay frosty!


Hello Followers it's Sora again~! I am going to shortly be posting the First chapter of little gods. Then me and me amazing Sensei LadyMidnight13!! I want to know who would like dedications and who would like to beta test my books~! I will be only doing this every now and again so it will be a competition prize. I will bring events, live streams, and hopefully at some point,(cause it's good for the economy) do Charity for different organization. I want to become big but I won't loose site of who I am. Because nothing can change who I am on the inside no matter what fame might throw at me in a possible future


Hello my lovely followers, I am William but I am now known as Nezumi (Nez for short). As you probably noticed I was on a break. I had school to attend and work that needed to be done. If not is be gone even longer. But on my Word as the Leader of the Frozen Assassins, that may or may not be alive still, I bring gifts! I will be continuing Life in a Blizzard as well as bringing new books! Such as Lights Journey into Darkness-A book about a league of assassins ,Little Gods-a personal story about me and my past friends becoming gods of sorts, and Virtual Break- Somewhat like SAO but with a Akimoto touch on it. I hope you all are with me still! You are all amazing for still liking my crappy books!! If your here and can hear me yell 'Long Live Sora!'


Ok everyone! Anyone and everyone that is part of the Village Hidden in the Blizzard please come forth. If you happen to have a kik I would suggest kiking me. I need a role call to see who's still here for I'm bringing back the village thank you Sora Akimoto out


Ok everyone I am hosting sign ups for my new book! I will actually finish this one! It will be called Jumping Animes. I know cheesy title I don't care. If you would like to be in it the Comment your Characters name, Hair color, eye color, age, and personality. Only four lucky people will be selected! So sign up fast!