@Snowgirl91 Because, I am the lame gamer. ANYTHING can get extreme. Lol. BUT, my user name is just 'Lamegamer' not 'Lamegamer girl' even though I am a girl.. But anyways, when I was making this account, I could not think of a user name. I wanted to be creative and what not. And not be lame.. But, I was being lame because I couldn't think of anything Then I was watching my brother play on his X-Box. Then I was like, LAMEGAMER! Perfect! How I got the number '23' is I Normally use '62395' But I use that on everything, my favorite number is '11' I used that for something else... I didn't want to use it again. Lol. So, I thought of '23' That is the date of my birthday. Lol.That is how I got my user name! :D