
[27/10 07.42] Snowhiroo: Maybe I'm done with writing for now..
          	[27/10 07.42] Snowhiroo: It's not that I'm insecure!
          	[27/10 07.42] Snowhiroo: But I didn't get the feelings again
          	[27/10 07.42] Snowhiroo: Like–the nervous feelings when I was at deadline
          	[27/10 07.43] Snowhiroo: The calm and relaxed feels
          	[27/10 07.43] Snowhiroo: And the other things!
          	[27/10 07.43] Snowhiroo: I just bored writing rn and I'm busy with my school project
          	[27/10 07.44] Snowhiroo: So, maybe one day–
          	[27/10 07.44] Snowhiroo: I'm gonna change the Sherry another twins series into Webtoon?
          	[27/10 07.44] Snowhiroo: Cuz I'm gonna practice more about drawing and get more serious on that
          	[27/10 07.45] Snowhiroo: Maybe when I'm already graduate from school
          	[27/10 07.45] Snowhiroo: I'M SO SORRY




[27/10 07.42] Snowhiroo: Maybe I'm done with writing for now..
          [27/10 07.42] Snowhiroo: It's not that I'm insecure!
          [27/10 07.42] Snowhiroo: But I didn't get the feelings again
          [27/10 07.42] Snowhiroo: Like–the nervous feelings when I was at deadline
          [27/10 07.43] Snowhiroo: The calm and relaxed feels
          [27/10 07.43] Snowhiroo: And the other things!
          [27/10 07.43] Snowhiroo: I just bored writing rn and I'm busy with my school project
          [27/10 07.44] Snowhiroo: So, maybe one day–
          [27/10 07.44] Snowhiroo: I'm gonna change the Sherry another twins series into Webtoon?
          [27/10 07.44] Snowhiroo: Cuz I'm gonna practice more about drawing and get more serious on that
          [27/10 07.45] Snowhiroo: Maybe when I'm already graduate from school
          [27/10 07.45] Snowhiroo: I'M SO SORRY




          Oh iya, aku lupa kasih tau kalau..Minggu ini aku ga upload cerita dulu :P
          Soalnya Minggu ini lagi UJIAAANN, Minggu besok baru upload lagi (insyaallah). Soalnya semenjak SMK, aku jadi banyak banget tugas (HELEEEPP)
          Oh yea, i forgot to say that's..I'm not gonna post any chapters this week :P
          Cuz i had an exam now, A DAMN EXAM. Maybe I can upload again at the next week (insyaallah). Cuz since i'm at vocational school now, I got a LOT of tasks (HEEEELLPPP)


          So, i was preparing a drawing for them. But maybe.. it's gonna take a little while cuz it got another drawing too <3
          If you wanna see my drawing, what you're waiting for? Follow my Instagram account now! It's @Snowhiroo_
          Simple right?


Oke jadi..tidak ada chapter baru selama tiga minggu, mungkin akan kembali pada 26 Agustus. Soalnya ya..Hiroo tuh ngambil jurusan animasi di sekolah TwT, dan ada kegiatan latihan dasar kepemimpinan siswa juga. Jadi..Hiroo bakalan sibuuuuukk banget bulan ini wish me luck 
          Okay new chapter for three weeks, gonna come back at 26 August, maybe. Cuz you know..I'm majoring in animation at school TwT, and there are Basic training student Leadership (btsl) activities. So, gonna be soooo busy this month wish me luck 


YOO!! <3
          Maaf ya kalau Hiroo masih belum upload sama sekali kemarin. Karena sekarang Hiroo sudah SMK, waktu luang Hiroo semakin sedikit. Apalagi sekarang lagi ada banyak tugas. Insyaallah mungkin upload chapter 09 nya nanti malam ato pagi buta(jam satu pagi-seterusnya). Oke? MAAF BANGET
          YOO!! <3
          Sorry if Hiroo still hasn't uploaded at all yesterday. Now that Hiroo is in vocational school, Hiroo has less and less free time. Especially now that there are lots of assignments. Insyaallah, maybe Hiroo's gonna upload chapter 09 later tonight or early in the morning (01.00 and more). Okay? I'M SO SORRY


          Maaf ya kemarin Hiroo ga upload, tapi Hiroo kemarin baru pulang dari study tour dan kepala Hiroo pusing banget. Tapi tenang kok, besok Hiroo akan upload lagi!! <3 (berusaha upload walaupun yang baca kebanyakan silent reader✌️)
          Sorry, Hiroo didn't upload yesterday, but yesterday Hiroo just came home from a study tour and Hiroo's head was soooooo dizzy. But don't worry, Hiroo will upload again tomorrow!! <3 (still trying to upload even though i have to many ghost reader✌️)


YOOO!! <3
          JADIIII, Hiroo kan rencananya mau bikin lagu sendiri untuk chapter empat besok, tapi karena liriknya belum selesai dan sudah pasti ga bakalan sempat..jadi Hiroo ganti sementara pake lagu lain. Ditunggu chapter empat besok ya!! ♡
          /ᐠ-ˬ-ᐟ\ ♡ ₍ᐢ。 ˬ 。ᐢ₎
          SOOOO, Hiroo's planning that i wanna make my own song for chapter four tomorrow, but because the lyrics weren't finished yet and i'm definitely wouldn't have Hiroo temporarily changed to using another song. Wait for the chapter four tomorrow, Kay!! ♡


So..kalian tahu kan kalau ada banyak banget yang berubah? Itu Hiroo buat berdasarkan remake yang Hiroo bikin di akun sebelah, tapi Hiroo ubah lagi karena sadar kalau ada beberapa scene yg ga masuk akal. Selain itu, Hiroo juga ingin mengubah beberapa penampilan karakter aku, yaitu Sophie sama Allyca. Untuk Sophie, itu sebenernya nama dari karakter novel, jadi Hiroo ganti jadi Alice Elwyn. Kalau Allyca, aku ingin mengubah gendernya menjadi cowok (karena Hiroo ingin melatih kemampuan gambar oc cowok). Untuk penampilan Sophie, nanti aku bikin polling di Instagram @snowhiroo_
 know that a lot has changed, right? Hiroo made that based on the remake that Hiroo made on the other account, but Hiroo changed it again because i'm realized that there were several scenes that didn't make sense. Apart from that, Hiroo also wants to change some of the appearances of my characters, namely Sophie and Allyca. For Sophie, that's actually the name of a novel character, so Hiroo changed it to Alice Elwyn. For Allyca, I want to change her gender to male (because Hiroo wants to practice my male OC drawing skills). For Sophie's appearance, I'll make a poll on Instagram @snowhiroo_