Hey guys! As many øf yøu knøw Alan Rickamn, sadly pasted away. Sø in hønør øf him we pøtterheads/fangirls shøuld all write always øn øur wrist. Thanks! Øh and repøst tø spread wørd!
Hey guys! As many øf yøu knøw Alan Rickamn, sadly pasted away. Sø in hønør øf him we pøtterheads/fangirls shøuld all write always øn øur wrist. Thanks! Øh and repøst tø spread wørd!
Sorry if it seems like I keep unfollowing u, cuz I go to check my followers and every day ur unfollowed then I follow u and check again and ur unfollowed!!! But I really do wanna follow u XD