Hey hey, all! It's been just under a year since I last posted an announcement here (and God only knows how long it's been since I updated any of my stories...) but I decided I'd pop back in to see what's up. How has 2020 been treating all of you?
2020 for myself has been going in a complete circle from last year. Started out nearly identically, give or take a month before that started--but we won't get into that! I'm here to, well, make an announcement.
The past months since I was last here, I've been dealing with a hefty sum of personal issues (i.e. 2019 2.0) and I quite obviously have not had an urge to write anything at all since then. Writing has been a dead concept to me for that period of time, up until now. Now, while I am not particularly in the mood to finish anything old up quite yet (My Last Light's remake), I've been doing a bit of poetry as a creative outlet//vent. This, as a result has partially sparked something inside of myself that longs to finish what was started, do something new, or just something in general that relates to literature.
I long for a creative outlet, somewhere to express myself and attempt to alleviate some stress, worry, and anxiety. I might post something every now and then again.