Hey guess who’s back? Alright alright hold your applause . It’s been a LONG while and I’ve decided to read my Forbidden Love fanfic story. Tbh it’s really good being that I’ve pretty much re-read it as if I was reading it for the first time (I wrote this close to 9 years ago yet still haven’t finished it) however, being a more grown individual *cough* 21, I can see that there are some unnecessary/contradicting/super edgy scenes and that some characters kinda resemble teenager qualities/traits. Being said there will be a good amount of changed scenes/dialogue and I’m DEFINITELY planning on finishing this as now I have a better plans for how this story will play out definitely add some scenes that will tug at your heartstrings. As you see it’s unpublished at the moment and I will be re publishing this after it’s edited as well as continuing to be posting more chapters! I am definitely contemplating on changing the cover bc it’s honestly very cool and cute that I was able to make such a thing! Thank you for being long time followers! Even if you don’t use this app anymore! S.Hines