idk how anyone writes drunk ever my spellign is alwready bad and norw i also cant sit up?? wack

@SnowyGreyWolf i have as well don’t you worry, i remember one time on a sunday for once i didn’t drink because i had work the day after but my girlfriend did drink and she asked if she should text her ex i litterly snatched her phone from her hands snd threw it on the bed and dragged her to the living room and sat there with her till she fell asleep, the next morning she asked what happened and i told her, she then said “guess you know what its like then” as a joke, my dumb self not realizing it was a joke said “trust me when i say you DON’T want to make the same mistakes i did” the entire room was silent then followed by my girlfriend scolding me for being stupid so on so forth

@SnowyGreyWolf i FEEL that on a personal level, i have broken the one rule, i have texted my ex, but… i didn’t ask em to get back together, i cussed them out, another thing that i did while drunk is that a cussed out a table thinking it was miss bish molly