
Happy New Year to everyone, may it be a fruitful and joyous year for all! ^.^


Hello everyone! I'd hoped to have the Sacred Decree, Book 2: Regression, finished by now but so much has happened in the past yr that has kept me from doing so.
          Besides some tough family issues, I've had so many other issues that I had to go seek professional help to find out what's going on with me. It's been discovered that I have PTSD, panic disorder, general anxiety disorder, severe major depressive disorder, and due to the fact I can't concentrate on anything for more than 15 minutes, there's a possibility I may have ADHD as well.
          So far my medication has been changed a couple of times because I haven't improved as much as my mental health provider had hoped. But I know with the proper medication and therapy, I should be back on track soon and ready to finish book 2 of Sacred Decree, as well as the sequel of It Came With The House! Thanks bunches for being so patient. Happy Holidays to u all! :* :)


Hi everyone, it's been a while! We're nearing the end of another year and with that, new changes usually follow. For me, I plan on going through my reading lists and cleaning them out.
          I have also been giving it some thought and I might create a sequel to, It Came With The House. I like how that story went, though I feel like it could have been much better. We'll see what the new year brings! :)
          I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Stay safe, healthy, and read a lot! ;)



