
My laptop is fried everyone so please poll up and chose a book to start on because I don't wanna continue to sonic book without pictures because I kinda like to express my book with pictures so those whom can't picture like how some of us do and also feel included thanks for following me and voting for my book <3


Lots of typos in this


My laptop is fried everyone so please poll up and chose a book to start on because I don't wanna continue to sonic book without pictures because I kinda like to express my book with pictures so those whom can't picture like how some of us do and also feel included thanks for following me and voting for my book <3


Lots of typos in this


Are you gone :(


@PerfectPurpleNeptune  Hey I finally got to see your message but unfortunately I am until I'm able to work my laptop the water got in bad so the screen is completely fried and I don't know when I'll be able to update but if you want you all can choose a book on which I can update it a bit no pictures since im using an old ipad thats kinda on life support already but I'm glad you enjoyed some of my books


Hey everyone so my phone screen broke and now is like unusable it turns on but very shaky and I still haven't gotten a new laptop charger so updates are going to be VERY slow also I am working on the sonic chapters I'm making them even longer due to this reason I apologize for those I left on a cliffhanger


Im sorry for disappearing your girl IS STILL IN CHAINS AT SCHOOL  IM MOT FREE YET but I promise I'll try and upload I've been loosing my motivation and the poll is still on till I up load The new chapter and then ill actually start sonic X btw i never watched it so bare with me ‍♀️


Hello everyone I'm back unfortunately my phone crashed and was very glitchy due to a lot of data on my phone so I am going to have to put many books on hold and I'm going to have to minimize how many times I update since of my data I hope you guys understand sorry my loves