
Hello friends! Here's just a reminder to sign the petition and share it around! If any of you are worried about money or making an account, there is none of that. I honestly just had to fill in a bit of information before signing. You don't have to give your money but it is an option.
          	For those who don't know what I'm talking about, the petition is for Wattpad to not delete PMs. We're trying to prevent Wattpad from shooting themselves in the foot. Wattpad has the audacity to delete erotic stories while also promoting their own as well. Deleting pms is just the cherry on top of it all.
          	Here's the link:


if your language is one of the no longer supported ones as of 11 of June, join us and make as many people as possible aware of the march! Voice your displeasure here and on every social platform of Wattpad and use the hashtags: 
           #WeWantOurLanguageBack  #DisregardingLanguagesIsDiscrimination #WattpadForAllLanguages #Bring (insert language mame here) Back #JusticeFor (insert language name here) Language


Hello friends! Here's just a reminder to sign the petition and share it around! If any of you are worried about money or making an account, there is none of that. I honestly just had to fill in a bit of information before signing. You don't have to give your money but it is an option.
          For those who don't know what I'm talking about, the petition is for Wattpad to not delete PMs. We're trying to prevent Wattpad from shooting themselves in the foot. Wattpad has the audacity to delete erotic stories while also promoting their own as well. Deleting pms is just the cherry on top of it all.
          Here's the link:


Well Wattpad screwed things up and decided to become an inconvenience. Add my discord if we have a roleplay so we can continue. My roleplay book will still remain open, but my discord will be my pms.
          My Discord: .snakeb1te.


@SnxkeBxte I'm adding you on my new discord since my current one got hacked 


Hey sorry for the late responses. I just posted in my book an oc of mine that hasn't been completely finished yet but I went on ahead and posted him. Something came up recently with a family friend and my responses won't be as consistent. I'll try and get to everyone tonight but please be patient.


Getting through responses slowly. Idk how some of you have been tolerating me lol. But just know I'll get to you eventually and I appreciate the patience ya'll have for me.


Wow I haven't updated this book in a long time and I have a few roleplays I need to reply to (sorry to you guys that I haven't replied to). I have just been the most lazy person for a bit now and I plan to fix that. I've decided that I would do things in order.
           So I will be updating my book first. I plan to change the theme and fix some of my rules. I might update a few ocs I have. This shouldn't take very long.
          Once I finish that, I plan to get all responses out for roleplays. If I need to reply to your roleplay, please send me a dm. Even if I literally just replied and you just sent a response, please still message me. I need to know who wants to continue the roleplays and who does not. 
          Tysm for you all being so patient with me. It must be annoying for me to be so inconsistent with my responses and I take full accountability for that.
          Tysm for tolerating me.