Hello Guys, Gals, And Non-binary pals!! Sorry for not keeping y'all updated recently, some personal matters came up and I'm tryna deal with em' to the best of my ability. Anyways, the next chapter is coming along swimmingly and it should be done here soon. I'd say a week or two but I'm not good with time related stuff. Also, it finally snowed here. It looked really pretty when it was falling. I love winter I hope y'all have a great rest of you day/night
@SoBasicallyN0 I got about 5 to 6 inches of snow over here, it's really peaceful just watching it fall. Then it's not so peaceful when you slip... ouch
@SoBasicallyN0 I like winter. I think it might snow for me as well, maybe tomorrow. I hope so cause I have a really nice hill to slide down if it does.