
okay guys i know that i suck at keeping up with updates but i just wanted to let you guys jnow i am a big reader, if you want me to read ur book just send me the name and ill check it out 


Hey Guys,
          for those who are reading AKKMID, i am editing it slowly but surely, i have chapter 13 haf way done. If you don't care, and just are going to stop reading my book, then i don;t really care either, i put it up so that i can share m stories not so that i cna get vote or comments. Just for people to enjoy... so enjoy!!


@SoPigeons haha i actually ment half of 12 not 13.. hehe oops


"(Can anyone make me a book cover please?. I've changed the title to Alpha Vs Badass Chick, 
          & I got Demi Lovato as Eva just pretend she has green eyes, and Alex Meraz as Jayden)
          Eva's POVL
          A couple of hours later.....
          I mangaged to catch a plane that was boarding.I paid with a credit card that I stole........from somewhere 
          Some people gave me weird looks 'cause I had no luggage. But me being the nice person I am just gave them a simple uhm speech about me not appreciating their stares. It went like this....
          "WHAT? Look at me again and I'll make sure you wont see anything for the rest of your life!. Oh and I will personally make sure that you won't have kids!. Got it?!"
          I smiled sweetly and sat next to some boy. He was cute. He had blue eyes and a sort of Blondish/brownish hair , in a mowhark style.
          He was quite muscular and he looked kinda strong considering he looks like a baby.
          He was silent when I sat down. When I looked at him he stiffened. Jeez did I scare them that much?
          He looked away quickly. Wimp.
          I thought of something. I made a bubble with the gum I was using and popped it. 
          That got his attention as he snapped his head towards me.
          "Soooo" I said "What part of new york are you going?" I asked.
          "None of your business"He said codly.
          Wow bipolar much?
          I narrowed my eyes. "Are you going brooklyn?" I said cautiously.
          His eyes widned and he said "Y-Your Eva?"
          "Uhm yeh" I said confused. I cocked my head to the side. "Something you wanna tell me?"
          I got a feeling something drastic is going to happen.
          "I-I'm Evan."He stutterd nervously. I raised my eyebrow "So?"
          "I'm the new delivery boy"
          Oh my god.
          "Delivery boy huh?" I said. "What side you from?"I asked.
          "East"He replied.
          Crap. He's a GBC..."


Oh my gosh. I seriously scour the undiscovered werewolf stories weekly and it is finally worth it!! A Knife Kills ID is amazing! Seriously I love the plotline, even though I generally don't like shifter stories I crapping love this one<3 anyhow I also noticed you haven't updated in a while so please do that:) I would REALLY appreciate it!!