
@lillady2736 AWWWW. You sweer lil thing! I jes wanna cuddle you up! thank you!


OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH!!!!! IT'S YOUUU!!! You recognize my username because I was like your #1 fan! xD your stories (especially Chena and I'm Blue) just completely made my day when I read them ( I still have them in my library under "EPICS!" c:, even though I can't read them because you deleted your old account D:). I AM LIKE BEYOND HAPPY YOU'RE BACK! I'M LIKE ACTUALLY MAKING A SCENE IN STARBUCKS SO NOW EVERYONE THINKS I'M CRAZY. DX


Hey Christina! Thank you sooooo much for reading my story The Gradebook, and commenting, and voting... Every time I see your username (and profile pic ^_^) I am ecstatic beyond belief because you like what I write. If you're wondering, I posted Chapter 5 about a week ago, and soon I'm going to post Chapter 6 as well! If you'd like to read them, that would be brilliant, but you don't have to, I mean if you've lost interest or something... :3 SHANK YEWWW! :)