
I'm revising I work for the Earl of Phantomhive today at work so please disregard the constant publishing updates. My apologies. I'll get back to regular updates soon though! 


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2.6k and 4.5k reads?! 
          Are you shitting me?!?!?! 
          Thank you all so much!!! I want to personally hug you all!!! I can't believe my stories could be seen as that good!?!  
          Anywhere guys I have a shit ton going on. I actually have a boyfriend now, and school, and extra shit and I can never find time to update:/ but every single comment gives me more than enough motivation!!! 
          So keep voting, commenting and reading<4 
          Love you all!!!


It's been a year now since you left, and I promise we'll still be best friends forever<3 Sarah Elizabeth Woods, you were gorgeous in every single way possible and it isn't fair that you had to leave so goddamn soon... But princess the choice was yours to make... When it all comes down to it, it was you who took your own life, it puzzles all who loved you. And some days are harder than others, but I just have to keep remembering. The gorgeous woman you really were, the smile that could light up a room, the infectious childish nature, and your intense love of anything living. Sarah, sometimes I want to cry for days on end, but I must remember.. You are now up in heave with our Savior. And all your pain is now gone. Sure I wish we could have talked just one last time.. But it's okay, I'll see you in another life in heaven, where we never say goodbye</3