
  Reading Wattpad has always been part of my day. It gives me comfort, inspiration and hope. It became my friend for more than 10 years now. Today, mark as I explore Wattpad not as a reader, but also as a writer. Hoping that my works would also give inspiration and hope to see light to someone who's in the dark.
          	Sa mga taong willing magtiyaga sa sinusulat at sa isusulat ko pa, THANK YOU


  Reading Wattpad has always been part of my day. It gives me comfort, inspiration and hope. It became my friend for more than 10 years now. Today, mark as I explore Wattpad not as a reader, but also as a writer. Hoping that my works would also give inspiration and hope to see light to someone who's in the dark.
          Sa mga taong willing magtiyaga sa sinusulat at sa isusulat ko pa, THANK YOU


Thanks much for your follow. I have LOTS of folders on my profile page but my stox4story folder is where I put my favorites and then my 'Good' folder is next. I've read all stories in those two folders and they all are complete. Thanks again for the follow.