
So, I'm alive... surprisingly. 
          	Thing's have happened and I apologise for taking so long.
          	I've also decided a few things but these things will take a bit longer to complete and get through.
          	1. I'm rewriting Nightwalker so there will no longer be any updates for Celestial
          	2. I will also be rewriting what I have of Celestial before I repost any chapters
          	3. I'm continuing my story Insanity Black and I have a sequel planned but that won't appear for a long long time yet
          	4. There are thoughts of a prequel of Nightwalker that revolves around Aviva and Beatrice and how they were changed. Again, this won't come for a long long long time, it is just a thought right now
          	Thank you everyone who is continuing to read my stories and I apologise again for disappearing off the grid for a whole bloody year. 
          	I missed you guys xxx


@Sylvinarocks Gaaahhh it's tough but most importantly I hope the author is well and healthy


@Nnormal41 even more. Really missed this novel. I had basically stopped reading Wattpad novels but just came back to read this and another novel that I miss. If the author will be publishing the book all in 1 shot then that'd be great too as long as they do publish it one day and I'm still alive


Now it’s been 5, if we count 2017 it’s been 6. Please be alive and well 


Guys, I don’t think the author is coming back, it’s been like 7 years


Naaahh this author for sure died rip


@X_Aurthor damn. They probably just decided not to continue. A lot of authors do that especially on here 


@X_Aurthor I hope not and I wish they or fam would give me permission for a continuous to these stories


Might be the stupidest thing I could say/ come up with but... What if someone who has the same style of writing and creating a image by reading and writing could continue writing the book that our lovely author left behind so he or she uhh.. keep going in life?, Just saaayyyyinnnnggg I know it's stupid and hopefully this makes sense but if it doesn't let's just keep my idea in the dark corner where light doesn't shine 


@TeamVenom sameeeeeee istg these books are my safe space 


Yeah I'm just honestly wanting to go around asking other book writers if they could continue her/his book even if it's just this book alone just to satisfy the people to see an ending or a continuing of a series yk