I like reading any kind of books but prefer sci-fi and fantasy. I love movie marathons and my favorite movies are: The Great Outdoors( funny as hell), The Avengers, Wild Child, Sex Tape, Bad Mom's, She's the Man, Snow White and Pitch Perfect.

I'm a major Disney lover and not to mention a food lover too. I can go on and on about the greatness of food for hours, so I'm definitely a food maniac. I'm also bisexual and proud🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

I love cartoons, animals, music, weapons, sports, and my alone time-because I don't get that often. I'm all for equality with EVERYONE, not just women equality, or black equality, just equality. I would consider myself a feminist- not a misandrist, people tend to get that confused with a feminist- and I stand behind the BLM movement since I feel like I can't really have a big say on it, no matter how much I want to, because I'm white and I don't know what being discriminated against based on my color is like.

I'm a big ole nerd, who'd rather be reading than partying and my goal is to major in psychology and criminal justice and minor in education. My ideal job is to be a clinical psychologist who specializes in developmental psychology and works with adolescents and children.

Maybe I gave away too much information about myself but I tend to ramble on and on about things so I don't know🤔but oh well 🤗
  • JoinedApril 8, 2013

Last Message
Socially0Awkward5 Socially0Awkward5 Nov 20, 2014 03:24AM
@ILoveWolvezz awe thank you and I hope you have a outstanding day too love✌️
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