
Hey guys I would love to do a Q & A so ask me some questions. It can be about me or the book :) so pretty much anything

Natulinka01 I really hope that you won't give up on your books and writing, I liked your writing a lot..but, I understand that you just could grow up and now have other hobbies, issues, and preferences, so you just don't feel like coming back to writing...same happened to my sister, when she was like twelve, she wrote amazing stories, there wasn't anything drastic in there, but I really liked to read them, and now when I found the stories again and read them, I wanted and needed an 'update' like all the other fans of yours...but she told me, that she just doesn't feel like that girl anymore, and she probably won't do anything like that yeah, just wanted to say this...but it's probably for all the other people still hoping for you to come back, 'cause I think if you're not writing anymore, even deleted the stories(bit a dick move), I don't think you're ever looking on the wattpad, so yeah..


@Natulinka01 actually my mom found all my stories and deleted them... I was heartbroken... I just now got electronics back. And you're right. I have grown up. Which will make my writing that much better 