Hey, I'm a Socky fan, but I don't mind Skase or any other ship with Skye in it, I just prefer Socky, I don't hate Skase like some Socky fans do, in fact, I used to love Skase before I noticed that there was more Socky in recent episodes, I also love Rockma, Rockshall, and Evershall. I have a few more ideas for stories coming soon so don't instantly forget about me!

Thank you so much SXRfanficwriter for your work here on wattpad and im sure that all of the stories that you have published will continue to inspire many other people to start writing about Paw Patrol and hopefully Socky.

Just a random note, the "SockyLikey" username is from season 1 in the episode "Puptacular" when Rocky says "Rocky Likey", so I just changed it into SockyLikey.

I'm nearly a year late, but thank you so much "Zuma cool" on YouTube, for everything you have done for the Paw Patrol community. Good Luck in all the rest of your future projects and works in not just YouTube and the Paw Patrol community, but just in life in general, Thank you Tomás.
  • Adventure Bay / Adventure City
  • انضمNovember 29, 2021

الرسالة الأخيرة
SockyLikey SockyLikey Sep 17, 2023 03:42PM
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