*spoiler alert for the 100*
I'm watching the 100 season 3 and I just finished episode 9 and I'm crying. I'm craving so hard. Lincoln.... I can't. Why?! HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF. *sobs* HE WAS A GOOD MAN. ALL HE WANTED WAS PEACE BETWEEN EVERYONE. HE JUST WANTED TO PROTECT HIS PEOPLE. HE DIDN' T DESERVE THIS. MY BABY. *ugly sobs* I need pike to die. I want to kill so many people this season that'd I'd be the new Wanheda. I can't believe they killed him! Octavia omfg!!!! I can't even express how she looked. I can't even fathom what's happening this season. And this new bish of a commander. I can't believe she killed all the kids, how she killed Aiden!!! He was so cute and adorable and loyal. I want this bish to die a painful death. Why couldn't Lexa stay alive?! Jaha is freaking stupid and psycho along with his stupid robot ho, they're basically copying the movie HER. And wtf is going on with Bellamy?! Idk how to feel about him man! Like I love him but I'm not okay with his actions. Like seriously, you need someone to be put on death row for it to finally get through your thick skull that freaking Pike is basically a dictator and fudging crazy?! Don't even get me started with Jasper and Raven. Ugh. I can't with this show anymore. I'm feeling so many emotions and I'm now just on episode 10. Like wtf. I can't. There's an ache in my chest and idk if its from anger or sadness.
I'm sorry for my rant. I just needed to express my feelings and this was the only place I could. Lol this is my first status and its me going off about the 100 lol