How are you people? Just a quick announcement, but a must read I don't know. After a few months of thinking about it. I had decided to leave this account for good. More details are on my books. If you wish to reach out to me or just check what I am doing and stuff, you can check my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_colorlesswater/ Or if you're in discord, you can also hit me up there: TransparentWater|Sofia #0082 Don't worry, I won't be deleting anything. I am leaving this just like how you guys had seen it. You may still go back to my written works just to reread or just laugh at the cringy comments I made. (Just like the weed cult, damn) Thank you everyone for being with me for the last 4 years. I'm grateful for each and one of you for being a part of my life even if we're miles a part. Till we meet again, ciao <3