Hey just wanted to get on here and say that you got me hooked so bad on all of your books, you made me have to get on reamstories and get the UN lions expedited and I love you for it. All of your books are so good and I just finished pucking positive and pucking charades. Loved them tons. Just one question, could perhaps put out what order in the UNI lions book universe each book goes in? Timeline wise? all of them including the short stories. I’m just a little stuck to know which book comes next and I can’t find a way to find out on reamstories either. I want to read every single book you put out of that series. I hope it’s okay to ask here. Again love you and you are my favorite author.

@SofiaMKay you are literally a queen. I have introduced your books to my friend and now we’re both hook. You have no idea how much of an amazing fan base you have. A book club should be made sometime.

@Raven_AM Thank you so much! I very much appreciate the kind words. The order of the stories can be a bit confusing. Some of them even overlap. I have the reading order here in my profile for the main books, but I should make something on Ream that includes the short stories. Thank you for letting me know about that. It is now on my to do list and I'll try to get to it as soon as possible. Have a wonderful day!