Had the weirdest experience again since a while???
I clearly fell asleep for some minutes??? idk how long but I had some headphones on & around the time the video stopped it woke me up?? Doesn't seem strange when I say it right? But it literally felt as though someone woke me up in real life like someone calling my name.
Moving on, I woke up with my light on ofc as usual & heard someone outside my door??one of my guardians & sometimes they would say goodnight etc. . . I wasn't sure if they said it already because like I said it was as if the video woke me up, not them. Turnt out my light & heard them move & then went to go use it feeling like I rested for quite the time until now typing this, I feel very restless again.
Reason why I type this is because unless it's due to sleep deprivation, being a light sleeper, or getting older, a lot of my dreams been starting to seem real real. Like as if I'm wake when really I'm sleep. I clearly know it's fake but it feels all too real. Is there a word for this? I'm lost, lol.